Friday, April 12, 2013

Miserable and Magical

Well, this is my second day of being Beautiful Seventeen and I just want to let you know where I stand.

I am going through a metamorphsis right now. A huge metamorphosis. One that leaves you with whole lot of questions that you didn't have before, not many of the answers that you are searching for, and a bunch of insecurity that fills the traces left by your former rock-solid (or so you thought) identity. It is miserable. It is scary. And it has shaken me to the core.

But it's also magical. Since I have decided not to look at this process as death, but as life, it can actually be kind of exciting. Though there is a lot of turmoil going on inside, I take this as my chance to have a new beginning. To have a second chance at getting so many things right that went wrong the first time... I can be who I want to be. And that's pretty cool!

Don't get me wrong- I still have days when it seems hopeless! I feel like this will be the death of me, and it frustrates me... but I guess that it is all part of becoming something beautful. For now, I choose to have faith that someday, things will all work out- and I will be ok.

Happy, Free, Counfused, and Lonely at the same time!

Sincerely Seventeen,
Jasmine :)